Message From Chairman

Dr.Arup Kr. Misra, Chairman
Pollution Control Board Assam
The Pollution Control Board, Assam (PCBA) has traversed a long path loaded with many triumphs and tribulations for 47 years after its establishment on 02 June 1975. The Board came into existence when the concept of Pollution Control was in its nascent state and environmental awareness was almost absent in the public domain. But suddenly India saw a massive rise in population; resulting in huge pressure in our finite natural resources and infrastructure. Pollution, in all its forms and facets, emerged to engulf us in a web of environmental degradation- health problems -economic losses. Role of state Pollution Control Boards and the Central Pollution Control Board increased by leaps and bounds. PCBA, as an autonomous statutory body mandated to maintain the wholesomeness of the quality of water, air, land and other endowments of nature, did not lag behind. It has gone beyond the stipulated duties and pioneered many important programs and projects to disseminate the environmental data, create mass awareness, catalyze capacity building among students and youth to safeguard the precious environment of Assam.
Till the first decade of this millennium, pollution control meant the capture and destruction of pollutants to somehow stay below the limits. However, the Regulations that came in 2016 to tackle the menace of Solid Wastes of all denominations, viz , Bio-medical Waste, Hazardous Waste, Construction & Demolition Waste, E-waste, and special emphasis on Platic Waste were real game changers. Keeping in pace with the world, we also realized that "wastes are actually wealth" and entire paradigm shift has been now incorporated in letter and spirit.
PCBA is committed to play its designated role to preserve, rejuvenate and safeguard the environment of our State. Quite a few new initiatives are on the anvil. Right now, we can only assure you that PCBA has already embarked upon rethinking, revamping and reinforcement to become a useful organization for the State of Assam.